Sarah Gilbert, PhD
I study human experiences in technical systems
About Me
The goal of my research is to support online environments in ways that enable freedom to flourish and from oppression. My work has covered key areas such as motivations, informal learning, privacy and ethics, and online governance. To this end I use a variety of methods, from qualitative ethnography and in-depth interviews, to quantitative surveys and social network analysis.
Currently, I'm the Research Director at the Citizens and Technology (CAT) Lab, founded by Dr. J. Nathan Matias, and am also leading the NSF-funded project, Learning Code(s): Community-Centered Design of Automated Content Moderation with along with PIs, Drs. Katie Shilton, Hal Daumé III, and Michelle Mazurek.
Prior to that, I graduated from the University of British Columbia in 2018, where I was advised by Drs. Caroline Haythornthwaite and Luanne Freund and worked as a postdoctoral scholar at the University of Maryland on the NSF funded PERVADE (Pervasive Data Ethics for Computational Research project with Drs. Katie Shilton and Jessica Vitak.
My hobbies include rewatching Star Trek over and over again (DS9 is the best Trek); cuddling with my cat, Rambo and my dog, Dax; cooking and baking; hiking; and going on day trips. Next time you're in the DC area, I promise that a jaunt to Dinosaur Land won't disappoint!
I update this page very infrequently.
and other things that I've written and want you see
Conducting ethical research in online spaces
- Remember the human: A systematic review of ethical considerations in reddit research by Casey Fiesler, Michael Zimmer, Nicholas Profers, Sarah Gilbert and Naiyan Jones in Proceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer Interaction (GROUP)
- When research is the context: Cross-platform user expectations for social media data reuse by Sarah Gilbert, Katie Shilton, and Jessica Vitak in Big Data & Society
- Excavating awareness and power in data science: A manifesto for trustworthy pervasive data research by Katie Shilton, Emanuel Moss, Sarah A Gilbert, Matthew J Bietz, Casey Fiesler, Jacob Metcalf, Jessica Vitak, Michael Zimmer in Big Data & Society
- Measuring Americans’ comfort with research uses of their social media data by Sarah Gilbert, Jessica Vitak, Katie Shilton in Social Media + Society
- Studying reddit: A systematic overview of disciplines, approaches, methods, and ethics by Nicholas Proferes, Naiyan Jones, Sarah Gilbert, Casey Fiesler, Michael Zimmer in Social Media + Society
Also, check out this article, co-authored with J. Nathan Matias, about how to support ethical independent tech research in Tech Policy Press:
Content moderation and Reddit
- "Whose Knowledge is Valued? Epistemic Injustice in CSCW Applications" by Leah Ajmani, Jasmine Foriest, Jordan Taylor, Kyle Pittman, Sarah Gilbert and Michael Ann Devito in Proceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer Interaction (CSCW).
- "Toxicity detection is NOT all you need: Measuring gaps to supporting volunteer content moderators through a user-centric method." by Trista Cao, Lovely Domingo, Sarah Gilbert, Michelle Mazurek, Katie Shilton, and Hal Daumé III in Proceedings of the 2024 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing.
- "CONTENTR: An Experiential Game for Teaching Value Tradeoffs in Social Media Governance" by Anna Lenhart, Sarah Gilbert and Katie Shilton.
- "Towards Intersectional Moderation: An Alternative Model of Moderation Built on Care and Power" by Sarah Gilbert, in Proceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer Interaction (CSCW).
- "Studying reddit: A systematic overview of disciplines, approaches, methods, and ethics" by Nicolas Proferes, Naiyan Jones, Sarah Gilbert, Casey Fiesler & Michael Zimmer
- "I run the world's largest historical outreach project and it's on a cesspool of a website." Moderating a public scholarship site on Reddit: A case study of r/AskHistorians by Sarah Gilbert in Proceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer Interaction (CSCW)
Select blog posts:
- "Freedoms of Assembly and Association in Digital Technologies" by J. Nathan Matias and Sarah Gilbert
- "AI Governance & Safety Depend on Community & Commercial Content Moderators" by J. Nathan Matias and Sarah Gilbert
- "From Avifauna to Megafauna: Migrations in Online Social Spaces" by Sarah Gilbert
Sometimes I answer questions early participation in online communities for r/AskHistorians:
I also shared a series of posts summarizing findings from my dissertation with the r/AskHistorians community:
Why do people people contribute to online communities?
- Drivers of participation in digital citizen science: Case Studies on Järviwiki and Safecast by Victoria Palacin, Sarah Gilbert, Shane Orchard, Angela Eaton, Maria Angela Ferrario, Ari Happonen in Citizen Science Theories and Practice
- Motivations for participating in online initiatives: exploring motivations across initiative types by Sarah Gilbert [Doctoral Dissertation]
- Portraits of participation: Exploring the relationship between social motivators and facets of participation in a Twitter-based community by Sarah Gilbert in Proceedings of the 50th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences
How is learning enacted on Twitter?
- Learning in a Twitter-based community of practice: an exploration of knowledge exchange as a motivation for participation in# hcsmca by Sarah Gilbert in Information, Communication & Society.
- Tweet to learn: Expertise and centrality in conference Twitter networks by Sarah Gilbert and Drew Paulin in Proceedings of the 48th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences. This paper also won the ASIS&T Social Informatics Best Student Paper award in 2016.
Learning Analytics for the Social Media Age
Below are select publications from the Social Science and Humanities Research Council of Canada funded project, Learning Analytics in the Social Media Age (PIs Drs. Anatoliy Gruzd and Caroline Haythornthwaite).
- Learning in the wild: coding for learning and practice on Reddit, Caroline Haythornthwaite, Priya Kumar, Anatoliy Gruzd, Sarah Gilbert, Marc Esteve del Valle, Drew Paulin
- Learning in the wild: Coding Reddit for learning and practice, Priya Kumar, Anatoliy Gruzd, Caroline Haythornthwaite, Sarah Gilbert, Marc Esteve del Valle, Drew Paulin. *This paper was nominated for a best paper award*
- Social media in educational practice: Faculty present and future use of social media in teaching, Marc Esteve Del Valle, Anatoliy Gruzd, Caroline Haythornthwaite, Drew Paulin, Sarah Gilbert
- Uses and gratifications factors for social media use in teaching: Instructors’ perspectives, Anatoliy Gruzd, Caroline Haythornthwaite, Drew Paulin, Sarah Gilbert, Marc Esteve Del Valle
- Social media and learning, Drew Paulin and Sarah Gilbert
Select Media Coverage
- CNBC (video): The Reddit revolts and what they mean for the company's IPO plans
- Finacial Times (podcast): Peak social media: Building better platforms
- Washington Post: Why have many Reddit communities gone private? The blackout, explained.
- New York Times: Reddit communities go dark to protest new app policy
- CBS News: Thousands of Reddit forums are going dark this week. Here's why.
- CNBC: Reddit is in crisis as prominent moderators loudly protest the company’s treatment of developers
- The Guardian: TechScape: After a brutal blackout, will Reddit ever be the same?
- AP: Despite widespread protest, Reddit CEO says company is ‘not negotiating’ on 3rd-party app charges
- AP: The Reddit blackout, explained: Why thousands of subreddits are protesting third-party app charges
- AP: Thousands of Reddit communities go dark to boycott third-party app charges
- Vox: The ongoing and increasingly weird Reddit blackout, explained
- Vice: Reddit Moderators Brace for a ChatGPT Spam Apocalypse
Recent News
I would update this section if I could remember how!
Fall 2023 conferences
October 2023
I'll be headed to CSCW and AOIR in October 2023!
- At CSCW I'll be presenting my research on intersectional moderation and participating in a panel as part of the Epistemic Injustice in Online Communities Workshop
- At AOIR I'll be participating in two panels, "High Reach Content Disclosures and Research Ethics" and "AOIR Ethics 1: Emergent Challenges"
I'm joining the Citizens and Technology Lab at Cornell
January 2022
I will be joining CAT Lab, founded by J. Nathan Matias, as its Research Director where I'll be working closely with communities and coordinating projects.
Learning Code(s): Community-Centered Design of Automated Content Moderation is awarded funding from the NSF
August 2021
With PIs, Katie Shilton, Hal Daumé III, and Michelle Mazurek our project will develop human-in-the-loop moderation tools to support healthier online communities by strengthening policy enforcement, enabling better working conditions for online moderators and enabling flexible responses to community policies.
CSCW Workshop: Public Scholarship and CSCW: Trials and Twitterations
June 2019
I am co-organizing a one-day workshop at CSCW 2020 to support social media scholars who engage with the public
CSCW Workshop: Volunteer Work: Mapping the Future of Moderation Research
November 2019
I am co-organizing a one-day workshop at CSCW 2019. More info here!
10th Conference on Social Media & Society
July 2019
I am sharing initial work from the PERVADE project on measuring American's expectations for trustworthy research use of social media data
CSST Summer Research Institute
June 2019
I will be attending the CSST summer research institute as a 'camper!'
Curriculum Vitae
CV current as of Janurary 2025
© 2019